In a smart factory, machinery and systems are linked together by modular devices. This allows to learn from industrial processes and to adapt them to specific needs by using big data technology, which enables benefits such as maintenance, production and energy measurements.
Smart factories represent one of the many opportunities of digital transformation. Let’s find out in detail their characteristics.
Smart factories connect the real world to the virtual world by using the internet connection of the companies and the cloud. This means that the whole production process can be monitored. A communication among the machines is created, so the devices can capture, process and transfer data throughout all the levels of a company.
In the smart factories, computers need to work in different locations and within small spaces, to ensure a maximum performance in a minimum space. In addition, the components can be easily disconnected and reconnected for upgrades and extensions.
The application of big data and smart connection solutions allows the devices to diagnose problems and provide instant feedback. Thanks to this learning process, the machines can predict potential faults and can fix them on time.
With traditional processes, you cannot analyse data and transfer them to a smart management system. Therefore, to create a smart factory, data need to be communicated through the production process by using intelligent devices. In this way, it will be possible to control the whole process remotely.
Let’s analyse together the steps needed to build a smart factory:
- a safe and integrated IT network can help producers in the process of solving environmental, health and security problems, thus reducing all the related risks
- wireless connectivity helps businesses to improve the productivity
- software for video calls and data sharing can help the industrial processes
- in order to succeed in today’s industry, it is necessary to develop a strong IT/OT relationship. If this happens, the workflow becomes more efficient and the whole production process can benefit from it
- today, the connection of network devices, IoT and modern technologies allow to monitor and receive information coming from the majority of the devices involved in the production process
- soft skills, like problem solving, are important to create value within businesses. The smart process of digital revolution requires workers to adopt a digital mind-set to face this ever-changing context
In its disruptive world, smart factories operate in a fast-changing environment, because the new technologies are constantly improving and the innovation is modifying the industrial context.
Security, wireless development, collaborative technologies are the elements to consider in the new industrial scenario brought by the 4.0 industry.
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