Thinking sustainable is equivalent to thinking about the future. In fact, talking about environmental sustainability as a synonym for innovation, value creation and cohesion gives this word an even deeper meaning.
The need for sustainable and environmentally friendly economic growth took shape in the early 1970s, when society realised that the traditional development model would cause the collapse of the earth’s ecosystem in the long term.
According to the Bruntland report, environmental sustainability is to be identified as the condition of development that «ensures that the needs of the present generation are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs».
Over the years, there have been many attempts to achieve some tangible results, some successful and some unsuccessful. Let us now look at those planned for the immediate future.
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Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development
The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is the Programme of Action for People, Planet and Prosperity signed on 25 September 2015 by the UN General Assembly. At its heart are 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), encompassed in a grand programme of action that identifies as many as 169 targets or goals.
More specifically, these are the goals that refer to environmental sustainability:
- goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, durable and sustainable;
- goal 13: Combat climate change - Promote action, at all levels, to combat climate change.
How to build a sustainable mindset
Being sustainable means being innovative and more efficient in turning challenges into opportunities. Until recently, the future of our planet and of humanity itself seemed to be not a problem for individuals, but only for institutions and national and international politics. Today, however, we cannot ignore what events and science show us every day.
Building and spreading a culture of sustainability is today an indispensable lever for building a more liveable future for all. The environment is a precious resource and defending it is a mission for everyone. Therefore, a paradigm shift is needed to develop a sustainable mindset, to make people and companies capable of thinking and then applying the concept of sustainability in their daily lives. It is therefore essential to revolutionise the educational and cultural system.
Best practices for the development of a sustainable mindset
Developing a sustainable way of thinking is a long and gradual process that needs time and perseverance. However, there are best practices that could facilitate this process:
- get informed;
- develop critical thinking;
- becoming aware of the impact of one's actions.

New European Bauhaus and environmental sustainability
The New European Bauhaus perfectly conveys the concepts mentioned, indeed, one of the 3 pillars of the movement is precisely environmental sustainability. The NEB was born out of a desire to make the European Green Deal a tangible, cultural and creative experience.
The initiative presents itself as a bridge between art, culture, science and technology in order to foster the creation of sustainable urban spaces and promote social inclusion. More specifically, the NEB focuses on devising sustainable solutions that bring harmony between green areas and built urban spaces. This approach is based on regeneration and links to natural cycles, the renewal of natural resources and the protection of biodiversity.
13 tips for sustainable thinking
The thought is the spring that leads to the future. Therefore, we must harness its power to learn how to change and thus reduce our ecological footprint on the planet.
Some examples of concrete actions to live more sustainably already today are:
- filter and drink tap water, avoiding disposable bottles;
- reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products, preferring vegetable, organic and seasonal food;
- in the case of fish, choose certified products;
- do not compulsively buy everything you want, but choose products with minimal packaging and packaged locally;
- boycott products that endanger wildlife and avoid those created from endangered animals;
- opt for energy-efficient vehicles and appliances;
- pay attention to labels and inform yourself about the origin and impact of the products you buy;
- be thrifty with water by turning off the tap, repairing leaks, etc.;
- drive less, drive green by using alternative means of transport such as cycling, public transport or car sharing;
- make your home greener by buying energy-saving light bulbs;
- installing solar panels for energy supply;
- favour renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and hydro;
- use your vote to demand that governments and institutions enact laws against climate change.
These are just some of the suggestions for thinking more sustainably; however, developing a real philosophy of life, a way of being, behaving or acting for the common good is a longer way.
A sustainable mindset helps you think more systematically, include different stakeholders and turn problems into opportunities.
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